- Thunderstrike 31c3, my presentation of Thunderstrike at CCC in Germany
- Thunderstrike, a Mac EFI Firmware vulnerability
- Yubikey -- Using a Yubikey Neo-N token as a hardware security module
- Soft-circuit charliplexing with the Adafruit GEMMA and conductive thread.
- Penrose -- laser cut tiles
- Reverse engineering with Hopper -- a class at NYCR
- Transcend JDL360 -- trying to drill a lanyard hole in this removable flash drive
- HackHolyoke -- mentoring at a hackathon at Mt Holyoke and the Seven Sisters
- Helios -- a large-scale art piece at Burning Man 2014
- October First -- a committee to discuss electronic infrastructure for art projects
- Archery -- a group outing to the range
- Pendant -- a Blinky Hospital pendant
- Solder paste -- under a microscope you can see it is tiny balls of solder
- Microfiche -- attempting to read ancient source code from microscopic films.
- Coffee button -- a way to let our facilities team know when the iced coffee keg is empty
- Electric Sheep -- helping Scott Draves make physical art work
- Advent -- transferring and compiling the original FORTRAN IV sources for Colossal Cave Adventure to our PDP-11
- Unibus -- a BeagleBone Black to Unibus adapter board.
- Fiberoptics -- making LED fascinators with fiberoptic lighting
- FT-817 -- an initial attempt to reverse engineer the firmware on the Yaesu FT-817 radio
- Flapple Bird -- we exhibited Dagen Brock's backport of the Flappy Bird game to the Apple //e at the Interactive Show.
- Octoscroller class -- a workshop at NYCR on building the Octoscroller boards.
- PDP-11/34 -- we're bringing a forty year old minicomputer back to life
- VT100 -- as well as the video terminals to go with it.
- Megascroller -- a cylindrical display with 64 RGB matrix panels.
- Princeton USB HID class -- I taught a repeat of my USB workshop at Princeton.
- Mini Pyramid -- a small version of the Disorient Pyramid, now hanging as an art piece at NYCR.
- Novena -- beta instructions for getting started with bunnie's open source laptop
- MTA Countdown Clock -- a pixel-accurate replica of the arrival displays in the NYC subway
- SolderTime Desk Clock -- a timelapse and workshop to make these hackable desk clocks
- Cubescroller -- a hanging six-sided art piece
- Soft SSB -- software defined radio running inside a Teensy or BeagleBone Black
- Mac-SE video -- a BeagleBone Black video card interface for classic Macintosh monitors.
- ADB to USB -- an adapter from classic Apple Desktop Bus devices to USB HID using a Teensy
List of pages
- 31C3
- ADB to USB
- ADVENT.FOR on the PDP-11
- Altair
- Archery
- Backpack
- Charlieplexing
- Coffee button
- Cones
- Cubescroller
- Electric Sheep
- Fiberoptics
- Flapple Bird
- Font
- FT 817
- Glitter
- HackHolyoke
- Helios
- Interactive Show
- Lightroom
- Lisa
- Mac-SE/30 video interface
- Megascroller
- Microfiche
- Mini Pyramid
- Minisphere
- MTA Countdown Clock
- Novena
- October First
- Octoscroller class
- Pario
- PDP 11
- PDP-11 Booting
- Pendant
- Penrose
- Princeton USB HID class
- Reclaimed PCB art
- Reverse engineering with Hopper
- Simh
- Soft SSB
- Solder paste
- SolderTime Desk Clock
- Thunderstrike at 31C3
- Thunderstrike
- Toughbook
- Transcend JDL360
- Unibus to BeagleBone Black Adapter
- Unix room
- Utah2014
- Vim
- VT100
- Yubikey
Last update:
November 8, 2020