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Universal Two Factor internals

I've been a fan of Yubikeys for many years as hardware key storage for GPG and x509 signing keys. They also have a WebAuthn mode that works with websites as a Universal Two Factor (U2F) with many interesting properties:

  • Phishing attacks don't work since the URL is used as part of the key
  • Per-website keys are generated through ECC math, rather than requiring lots of storage on the device
  • User presence detection means that software-only attacks can't log in
  • Websites can't link the accounts using the same token (without your authorization)

As of OpenSSH 8.2, you can now generate "Security Key" enrolled identities and use the U2F tokens to authenticate your sssh sessions.

There are some useful guides for setting up U2F ssh and a wonderful interactive WebAuthn explorer from auth0 that walk through some of the process, as well as the very detailed spec. However, the intros elide some of the details of exactly what is stored where and how the various messages are computed, and the spec gets too deep into the weeds, so that is what this attempts to explain the cryptographic operations that are performed.


This document often refers to Yubikeys, although there are many other FIDO2/U2F security keys that work with this protocol. The open source Solokeys also work with all of the steps described here. The Solokeys are interesting since the u2f source code is available for review.

Eliptic Curve Cryptography


The ability to generate per-site keys depends on an interesting property of Elliptic-curve cryptography: almost any random number is valid ECC private key. Unlike RSA that requires primality tests and extensive searching for a valid private key, the output of a strong hash function like SHA256 is nearly guaranteed to be a valid ECC key. This allows the security keys to derive a per-site key by applying the HMAC function to a single secret stored in the device, along with the website name and user id, or similar identifying values.

This means that the security key does not need to store any per-site specific information since it can re-derive the key for the site when logging in, based on the site domain name and user id that are provided by the site. It also prevents linkability, since the key derived for a different user id on the same site will be different. And it prevents phishing with fake domains, since the web browser will send the actual domain name to the security token for key generation, so the fake domain can't generate the other domain's key.

The security token's secret and the site-specific derived private key never leave the device. The generate credential command generates the public key from the private key and exports it, however, allowing the device to prove that it knows the private key.


In 2020 Yubico changed the way the the per-site keys are derived. In older versions of that page, the ECC HMAC technique is described, but now the keys use an authenticated AES CCM mode. This allows the hardware device to ensure that the credentialId was generated by the relying party, and allows a device reset to generate a new primary key encryption key. The Solokeys u2f_make_auth_tag() appears to still use the HMAC technique.


The wonderful interactive WebAuthn explorer from auth0, the colorful guide from DUO, and the u2f protocol details from Yubico are the best places to start. The Web Authentication API at MDN is also a useful reference.

There are essentially three parties involved: the server, the user's web browser, and the security key. The user trusts the web browser to properly implement the protocol, but does not trust it with the keys. The server doesn't trust the web browser.

To test out these examples, you can open the Developer Tools and copy the Javascript into the console.


Image from auth0's introduction (Image from auth0's u2f introduction site)

When enrolling a new key for a user on a server, the server sends javascript to the user's web browser that calls navigator.credentials.create() with the user id that is trying to login (called "user info"), the domain of the website (called the "relying party" or "rp"), and a server-provided nonce (called the "challenge") to protect against replay attacks. Note that this demo uses a client-side generated challenge -- that is not secure and for real applications it must generated on the server side!

cred = await navigator.credentials.create( {
    publicKey: {
        rp: {
            id: "",
            name: "WebAuthN Demo at",
        user: {
            id: new TextEncoder().encode("abcdef"),
            name: "foo",
            displayName: "Foo Bar",
        challenge: new TextEncoder().encode("012345678"),
        pubKeyCredParams: [{
            type: 'public-key',
            alg: -7,
} )


The challenge must be provided by the server, not generated on the client side as in this example. Otherwise it is subject to replay attacks.

U2F prompt for authorization approval

The web browser validates that the relying party matches the website URL, and then prompts the user for their approval for this website to talk to their security key. If the user approves, then the browser sends the challenge, relying party id, and the user info to the token using the native library fido_dev_make_cred() call to generate a new public key. The exact details of how the security key derives the site specific key is not specified, although most tokens use the HMAC key derivation function described above.

The token responds a PublicKeyCredential object that contains with the derived public key, the signed challenge, and optionally a x509 certifcate attesting to the device serial number and manufacturer (which would defeat the purpose of non-linkability, but might be required for high assurance sites to validate that the key is stored in an actual hardware device. See attestsion below for more details).

The public key can be retrieved from the response in a DER formatted binary, converted to hex for easy cut-and-paste:


This hex string can be converted back to binary with xxd, and then converted to PEM format with openssl on the command line:

echo 3059301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d0301070342000429f2870420fde85debb321a9e6c1c8748928a175cb7e3f883d4de12acaf66e666dcf6593c05a7d07207f2f547f1dcbf69045f355edc4ffd39151173eaa58b247 \
| xxd -p -r \
| openssl pkey \
    -pubin \
    -text \
    -inform DER \
| tee site-key.pem
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Public-Key: (256 bit)
ASN1 OID: prime256v1

The other value in the response is the credentialId, which is the part that the security key needs to combine with its internal secret to derive the site specific key for this hostname and user. The site will need to provide it back to the user's web browser when they want to log in again.


There is other data in the PublicKeyCredential object, although unfortunately w3c made a series of bizarre decisions and encode the data into CBOR, and there is not a built-in CBOR decoder in the browser. (The rationale is that the security tokens are resource constrained devices, except that they already support a half dozen verbose protocols so it isn't clear if this is really true) The paroga/cbor-js library is loaded on the page for decoding the results in the console.

> {fmt: "none", attStmt: {}, authData: Uint8Array(196)}

Since no attestation was requested, the fmt is None and attStmt is empty. Unfortunately the authData is a packed binary array, so it doesn't have any useful accessors. It is really like they decided to make this as hard as possible... You can pick it apart with the fields discussed in verifying attestation signatures.

At this point the user's web browser sends the public key and the credential to the server, which stores it to go along with the user name.


By default, without attestation, there is no way for the server to validate the public key or to ensure that the challenge was used correctly. This seems like an oversight, since a MITM attack could substitute a different key, or a browser extension could hijack the challenge and relying party ids, but since non-linkability was a goal.

If the site requests attestation, it can add an attestation parameter to the navigator.credentials.create() request, either direct or indirect. In both cases the manufacturer and serial number of the token are revealed in the x509 cert that is produced.

cred = await navigator.credentials.create( {
    publicKey: {
        rp: {
            id: "",
            name: "WebAuthN Demo at",
        user: {
            id: new TextEncoder().encode("abcdef"),
            name: "foo",
            displayName: "Foo Bar",
        challenge: new TextEncoder().encode("012345678"),
        pubKeyCredParams: [{
            type: 'public-key',
            alg: -7,
        attestation: "direct", // "indirect" is also an option
} )


The challenge must be provided by the server, not generated on the client side as in this example. Otherwise it is subject to replay attacks in the real world.


If you run this, you will also have to regenerate the site-key.pem file from the cred.response.getPublicKey() since the hardware token will generate a new key since this is might be a new site.

U2F prompt for attestation approval

The user will be presented with an additional prompt, indicating that the site has requested the "make and model" of the security key. This tells them that they will be sacrificing the unlinkability properties of their key, so hopefully they understand why the site wants this additional information.

The attestationObject now has more information:

a = CBOR.decode(cred.response.attestationObject)
> attStmt: {sig: Uint8Array(71), x5c: Array(1)}
> authData: Uint8Array(196) [73, 150, ....]
  fmt: "fido-u2f"

The x5c is the x509 certificate in DER format and can be verified on the command line. Note that the EC key that is included in this cert is the security key's internal key, not the derived key used for this site.


This hex value can be converted back to binary with xxd and then parsed by openssl to produce a PEM formatted certificate:

echo 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 \
| xxd -p -r \
| openssl x509 \
    -text \
    -inform DER \
| tee cert.pem
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 74221602 (0x46c8822)
        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: CN = Yubico U2F Root CA Serial 457200631
            Not Before: Aug  1 00:00:00 2014 GMT
            Not After : Sep  4 00:00:00 2050 GMT
        Subject: CN = Yubico U2F EE Serial 249182324770
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
                Public-Key: (256 bit)
                ASN1 OID: prime256v1
                NIST CURVE: P-256
        X509v3 extensions:
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

The device's public key is signed by the OEM's private key, in this case Yubico's U2F Device Attestation CA:

openssl x509 \
    -text \
    -noout \
    -in yubico-u2f-ca-certs.txt
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 457200631 (0x1b4053f7)
        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: CN = Yubico U2F Root CA Serial 457200631
            Not Before: Aug  1 00:00:00 2014 GMT
            Not After : Sep  4 00:00:00 2050 GMT
        Subject: CN = Yubico U2F Root CA Serial 457200631
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit)

(Unfortunately right now the Yubico U2F root CA is not signed by any other CA's, so the chain ends there. The CA cert is signed by Josefsson's personal key 860B7FBB32F8119D, which is a little odd. I've asked them for clarification)

wget -q
wget -q -O- | gpg --import
gpg: key 0664A76954265E8C: public key "Simon Josefsson <>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1
gpg --verify yubico-u2f-ca-certs.txt.sig yubico-u2f-ca-certs.txt
gpg: Signature made di 02 sep 2014 11:18:24 CEST
gpg:                using RSA key 860B7FBB32F8119D
gpg: Good signature from "Simon Josefsson <>" [unknown]
gpg:                 aka "Simon Josefsson <>" [unknown]
Primary key fingerprint: 9AA9 BDB1 1BB1 B99A 2128  5A33 0664 A769 5426 5E8C
     Subkey fingerprint: 9941 5CE1 905D 0E55 A9F8  8026 860B 7FBB 32F8 119D

The OEM's signature on the cert can be validated with openssl verify (note that it only works with PEM formatted files, which is why we had to convert it earlier):

openssl verify \
    -CAfile yubico-u2f-ca-certs.txt \
    -show_chain \
cert.pem: OK
depth=0: CN = Yubico U2F EE Serial 249182324770 (untrusted)
depth=1: CN = Yubico U2F Root CA Serial 457200631

Now that we trust the OEM's CA cert and the OEM's CA signature on the security key's primary key cert, we can use the security key's primary key to validate the signature on the security key's site-specific key that it has just derived. First we have to figure out what is actually signed.

Authentication data layout (Image from the w3c U2F specification)

Signed data is discussed in 6.5 Attestation and 8.6. FIDO U2F Attestation Statement Format. Rather than signing the entire authenticator data section, they've chosen a piecemeal signature, some of which is packed again into CBOR stuff to make it hard to process:

  • 0x00 - 0x1F: rpIdHash = sha256(hostname) Included in signature
  • 0x20: Flags ED,AT,0,0,0,UV,0,UP
  • 0x21 - 0x24: counter (big-endian uint32_t)
  • 0x25 - 0x34: AAGUID, 16-bytes of all zero
  • 0x35 - 0x36: credentialIdLength (big-endian uint16_t), usualy 64
  • 0x37 - 0x76: credentialId (device specific value, probably hash of inputs) Included in signature
  • 0x77 - end: CBOR encoded public key Partially included in signature

The clientDataHash is computed by SHA256 on the clientDataJSON, as defined in this absurdity. The server must also generate the exact same client data block so that it can verify that the correct challenge and rpId are included in the signed data; otherwise it can't trust the attestation.

The publicKeyU2F is the raw coefficients from the public key, which are stored in CBOR format inside the packed binary array authData. Section 8.6 defines that the format for the key is:

  • Let x be the value corresponding to the "-2" key (representing x coordinate)
  • Let y be the value corresponding to the "-3" key (representing y coordinate)
  • Let publicKeyU2F be the concatenation 0x04 || x || y.

Signature is over 0x00 || rpIdHash || clientDataHash || credentialId || publicKeyU2F, so let's extract those pieces from the CBOR encoded attestationData and output it as a hex value for validation:

r = cred.response
a = CBOR.decode(r.attestationObject)
rpIdHash = a.authData.slice(0x00, 0x00 + 0x20)
credIdLen = a.authData[0x35] << 8 | a.authData[0x36]
credId = a.authData.slice(0x37, 0x37 + credIdLen)
pubkey = CBOR.decode(a.authData.slice(0x37 + credIdLen).buffer)
pubkey_x = pubkey[-2]
pubkey_y = pubkey[-3]
clientDataHash = new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', r.clientDataJSON))

msg = new Uint8Array([

Due to a limitation of the openssl verify, we have to extract the the device's primary public key from the x509 cert and format it as a PEM file:

openssl x509 \
    -in cert.pem \
    -pubkey \
    -noout \
    > primary-key.pem

Now we can validate the security key's signature on the message on the command line:

echo 0049960de5880e8c687434170f6476605b8fe4aeb9a28632c7995cf3ba831d9763a2bfd7346d6160d1308e163b7dcd9d5242c2b988980071768cb27a564aa211d52cec06d89cd33a79b909995e01cb9c975bb4c0b4a04ad5015ce1dcd4de7f11721b479448b24b834128a5445c4dec9c6d977d12c49297f3f82e2a79cd262058d4042ef7d24dc141f2259bc1470270ae9479bfde1d3ce2f2d32f83df7759a38e57aa5b6d831da586d0db38d8f5f33072528d739fdee3ad37ee3f070bdef377ecbb8c \
| xxd -r -p > msg.bin

echo 3045022100e7f83c6ba1740ae0766a31fed8324563f62bd8bf97731f22e1f1c0112ebcdf8e022034428dc152b0e1e8c513fa5186db4a484503a1ab79bd1f81beb0bfdeebc7f3bd \
| xxd -r -p > sig.bin

openssl dgst \
    -sha256 \
    -verify primary-key.pem \
    -signature sig.bin \
Verified OK

So the server can now trust that this user's site-specific key was generated in an actual hardware token, and that the parameters match the expected values.


After enrolling the user's security key, the server has stored the user's password, the hardware token's site-specific public key and the credentialId value. When the user wants to login, they first provide their username and password, and the site responds with its stored credentialId for this user and a server-generated random nonce (challenge). The user's web browser invokes navigator.credentials.get() with these values:

auth = await navigator.credentials.get({
    publicKey: {
        challenge: new TextEncoder().encode("0123456789abcdef"),
        allowCredentials: [{
            type: "public-key",
            id: credId,
        userVerification: "discouraged",


The challenge must be provided by the server, not generated on the client side as in this example. Otherwise it is subject to replay attacks in the real world. The server must validate that the signed message include the challenge that it generated, otherwise a malicious browser could reuse a prior nonce.


The userVerification: "discouraged" is due to unexpected behaviour with Windows PIN caused by the default value "encouraged".

The web browser invokes the native FIDO2/U2F library call using the domain name for the rpId and passing in the challenge and credentials. The hardware token re-derives the per-site private key from its internal secret and the credential, likely using the key derivation function described above.

It then signs the challenge (stored in a serialized JSON format along with the rpId) with this derived private key


The browser returns a PublicKeyCredential object with a AuthenticatorAssertionResponse object that has the signature over the message:


Figure 4: Generating an assertion signature

The messages that was signed is defined in 6.3.3 The authenticatorGetAssertion Operation. The server should be able to generate the exact same block, allowing it to verify that the signed message matches the expected message.

clientDataHash = new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', auth.response.clientDataJSON))
authenticatorData = new Uint8Array(auth.response.authenticatorData)
auth_msg = new Uint8Array([ ...authenticatorData, ...clientDataHash])

Since the server has stored the public key as well, it can validate the signature and trust that this user still has the same hardware token in their possession. The server must also verify that the clientDataHash matches the challenge and site that it sent (not shown).

echo 3045022100e009d46c5c09310c130fb5e1204e20d9dc6f273f855c6c5535f985a1ac6ea08202203fe8996791d5cb078d65e66f79862ad04e8e4f41e8315e26e5c07dd32769c7f1 \
| xxd -p -r > auth-sig.bin
echo 49960de5880e8c687434170f6476605b8fe4aeb9a28632c7995cf3ba831d976301000000266c1e352b4c44c97bb49ff117e3b38491d9c34409672bb544a042ddda97b16d98 \
| xxd -p -r > auth-msg.bin

openssl dgst \
    -sha256 \
    -verify site-key.pem \
    -signature auth-sig.bin \


If you have a recent Linux install, you probably already have support for the ecdsa-sk and ec25519-sk key types in ssh-keygen. If not, this guide from Jeroen van Kessel is a good walkthrough on building and installing the updated packages.


The way ssh implements u2f is slightly different from the WebAuthn technique: it does not create a per-host specific key, so the credId equivilant is the private key, and the challenge is derived from the ssh session hash, not a server generated value.

Create a key as usual, specifying the a Security Key ecdsa-sk or ec25519-sk type so that it will talk to the hardware token:

ssh-keygen -t ecdsa-sk -i ~/.ssh/id_sk

You probably want to provide a password for the key; without a password an adversary only needs the hardware token to be able to make use of the new key, which makes it a single factor rather than a two-factor. The password will be used when ssh'ing to a remote host using this identity or adding the identity to your ssh-agent with ssh-add.

The ~/.ssh/ can be added to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of all of the hosts where you want to use this key, as usual, assuming the host has also been upgraded to OpenSSH 8.2 or neweer.


ssh-keygen has an -O write-attestation=attest.bin option, although it is not in the normal format. And since it includes the credential ID as part of the attestation, it essentially leaks the password protected part of the private key:

May be used at key generation time to record the attestation data returned from FIDO tokens during key generation. Please note that this information is potentially sensitive. By default, this information is discarded.

I haven't explored how to parse the file or make use of this data. It would be useful to collate which identities are tied to which keys, so that they can be revoked if a hardware token is lost, but not at the risk of leaking the sensitive parts of private keys.


When connecting to the remote server, the local ssh and remote sshd negotiate an ephermeral Diffie-Hellman session key that neither can control. To prove that the local ssh has access to the user's private key, it signs this key, along with some session parameters, with the private key. The server can validate that against the public key that it has for the user in their ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

With the security key identity types, the local ssh forks the ssh-sk-helper program to talk to the hardware token. ssh provides the helper with the decrypted ~/.ssh/id_sk file and the hash of the session parameters. The hardware token uses the id_sk as the credId to re-derive the real private key, and the session hash as the challenge to sign to prove that it has access to the same private key. Depending on the key parameters, ssh-sk-helper might ask for a physical presence check.

You can use ssh-agent with -sk identities as well. In this case ssh-agent forks the ssh-sk-helper each time a request is made for one of the hardware-backed keys. I'm having a problem right now that it doesn't prompt for a physical presence check unless ssh-agent is in the foreground, although I think this is a configuration error on my part.

2020 Security

Last update: December 29, 2020