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Random Walk

Random Walk

Demo of a 3D random walk, projected into a rotating 2D set of vectors. It works really well on oscilloscopes with a brightness input, but still looks good on single intensity displays.

This is a port of the Processing demo, ported to ProcessingJS to run in your browser.

/* * Demo "3D" projection into the wireframe space. * * It might be possible to hook Processing's native 3D support, * but until someone figures out how to make that work this does * the 3D to 2D projection directly. * * Todo: * - Coplanar edge removal * - Hidden wireframe removal * * Fix mediawiki's ampersand problem. There are no AND statements * in the code since mediawiki is replacing them with & */ void setup() { size(900,900); }

class Camera { float eye_z; float[][] r;

    this.r = new float[3](3)[3](3);
    this.setup(100, 0,0,0);

    float eye_z,
    float phi,
    float theta,
    float psi
  ) {
    float sx = sin(phi);
    float cx = cos(phi);
    float sy = sin(theta);
    float cy = cos(theta);
    float sz = sin(psi);
    float cz = cos(psi);

    this.r[0](0)[0](0) =   cy * cz;
    this.r[0](0)[1](1) = (-cy * sz) + (sx * sy * cz);
    this.r[0](0)[2](2) = ( sx * sz) + (cx * sy * cz);

    this.r[1](1)[0](0) =   cx * sz;
    this.r[1](1)[1](1) = ( cx * cz) + (sx * sy * sz);
    this.r[1](1)[2](2) = (-sx * cz) + (cx * sy * sz);

    this.r[2](2)[0](0) = -sy;
    this.r[2](2)[1](1) =  sx * cy;
    this.r[2](2)[2](2) =  cx * cy;

    this.eye_z = eye_z;

    PVector v3_in
  ) {
    float[] v = v3_in.array();
    float[] p = new float[]{ 0, 0, this.eye_z };

    for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
      for (int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
        p[i](i) += this.r[i](i)[j](j) * v[j](j);

    if (p[2](2) <= 0)
      // The point is behind us; do not display
      return null;

    // Smaller == wider angle view
    float zoom = 1024;

    // Transform to screen coordinate frame,
    //float px = (p[1](1) * this.eye_z * zoom) / p[2](2) + width/2;
    //float py = (p[0](0) * this.eye_z * zoom) / p[2](2) + height/2;
    float px = (p[1](1) * zoom) / p[2](2) + width/2;
    float py = (p[0](0) * zoom) / p[2](2) + height/2;

    return new PVector(px,py);


static Camera c; static PVector[] walk; static boolean[][][] used; static final int bound = 10;

int generate_walk( int max_count, PVector start ) { used = new booleanbound*2bound*2bound*2;

  int x = int(start.x);
  int y = int(start.y);
  int z = int(start.z);

  int ox = x;
  int oy = y;
  int oz = z;

  walk = new PVector[max_count](max_count);
  walk[0](0) = new PVector(x,y,z);
  used[x+bound](x+bound)[y+bound](y+bound)[z+bound](z+bound) = true;

  for(int i = 1 ; i < max_count ; i++)
    for(int j = 0 ; j < 20 ; j++)
      // if we have tried too many times we are done
      if (j == 19)
         return i;

      int dir = int(random(9));
      int nx = x, ny = y, nz = z;

      if (dir == 0) nx -= 1; else
      if (dir == 1) nx += 1; else
      if (dir == 2) ny -= 1; else
      if (dir == 3) ny += 1; else
      if (dir == 4) nz -= 1; else
      if (dir == 5) nz += 1; else
      if (dir == 6) { if(nx > 0) nx--; else nx++; } else
      if (dir == 7) { if(ny > 0) ny--; else ny++; } else
      if (dir == 8) { if(nz > 0) nz--; else nz++; } else
        // do nothing

      if (!(nx != ox || ny != oy || nz != oz))

      if (nx >= bound || nx < -bound) continue;
      if (ny >= bound || ny < -bound) continue;
      if (nz >= bound || nz < -bound) continue;

      if (used[nx+bound](nx+bound)[ny+bound](ny+bound)[nz+bound](nz+bound))

      ox = x;
      oy = y;
      oz = z;
      x = nx;
      y = ny;
      z = nz;

    used[x+bound](x+bound)[y+bound](y+bound)[z+bound](z+bound) = true;
    walk[i](i) = new PVector(x, y, z);

  // if we made it here we have filled the array
  return max_count;


void draw_box() { final float b = bound - 0.5;

  PVector v0 = c.project(new PVector(-b,-b,-b));
  PVector v1 = c.project(new PVector(-b,-b,+b));
  PVector v2 = c.project(new PVector(-b,+b,-b));
  PVector v3 = c.project(new PVector(-b,+b,+b));
  PVector v4 = c.project(new PVector(+b,-b,-b));
  PVector v5 = c.project(new PVector(+b,-b,+b));
  PVector v6 = c.project(new PVector(+b,+b,-b));
  PVector v7 = c.project(new PVector(+b,+b,+b));

  vector_line(false, v0, v1);
  vector_line(false, v0, v2);
  vector_line(false, v0, v4);
  vector_line(false, v1, v3);
  vector_line(false, v1, v5);
  vector_line(false, v2, v3);
  vector_line(false, v2, v6);
  vector_line(false, v3, v7);
  vector_line(false, v4, v5);
  vector_line(false, v4, v6);
  vector_line(false, v5, v7);
  vector_line(false, v6, v7);


static float roll, pitch = 0.3, yaw = -0.2; static int frame_num; static int count; static int dir = 1;

void vector_line( boolean bright, PVector p0, PVector p1 ) { if (bright) stroke(255); else stroke(120);

    if (p0 == null || p1 == null)

    line(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y);


void draw() { background(0); strokeWeight(2);

  final int max_count = 500;

  if (c == null)
    c = new Camera();
    count = generate_walk(max_count, new PVector(0,0,0));

  c.setup(2.5*bound, roll, pitch, yaw);
  roll += 0.01;
  pitch += 0.00;
  yaw -= 0.0000;

  if (false)

  // draw lines for each of the random walks
  PVector op = null;
  int start = frame_num > count ? frame_num - count : 0;
  int end = frame_num < count ? frame_num : count;

  for(int i = start ; i < end ; i++)
     PVector np = c.project(walk[i](i));
     boolean bright = false;
     if (frame_num > count) if (i < start+2)
       bright = true;
     if (frame_num < count) if (i >= frame_num - 2)
       bright = true;

     // flash when all the frames have been drawn
     if (frame_num == count || frame_num == count + 1)
       bright = true;

     if (!(op == null || np == null))
       vector_line(bright, op, np);
     op = np;


  if (frame_num == count * 2)
    frame_num = 0;
    count = generate_walk(max_count, walk[count-1](count-1));

/* if (frame_num % 2 == 0) saveFrame("png/f######.png");

*/ }

2015 Art Processing

Last update: November 8, 2020