Blinky things
- EL wire Nixie -- an attempt to recreate the classic Nixie tube with EL wire
- Hexascroller LEDs -- adding a notification function to NYC Resistor's Hexascroller
- LED ring light -- laser cut holder for illuminating photographic subjects
Laser cutting
- Epilog driver -- command line laser cutting
- Lasercut Halftone -- generating images by cutting lots of small holes
- Settlers of Catan -- recreating the classic game with a variety of other techniques
- Boxer -- an opensource tool to make laser cut boxes of various shapes
- Living hinge -- experimenting with flexible laser cut wood
- ATtiny10 -- programming these microscopic microcontrollers with an FTDI cable
- Hackerspace Roadshow -- a segment on Make TV featuring NYC Resistor
- InPulse watches -- building a new watch a day for a month
- Keychain multitool -- reinventing the keychain in a streamlined multitool
- Reverse engineering class -- learn to program ARM assembly by disassembling C programs
- XY Table -- attempting to make a motion platform with 3D printed parts
- Casting harddrives -- put it in a kiln and melt the drive. It's the only way to be sure.
- STS-133 -- I attended the STS-133 launch of the space shuttle Discovery
- Hackerspace Roadshow -- I helped film a piece about other people's projects at NYC Resistor
List of pages
- ATtiny10
- Boxer
- Casting harddrives
- Dr Mario
- EL wire Nixie
- Elections
- Epilog driver
- Hackerspace Roadshow
- Hexascroller LEDs
- InPulse watches
- Interactive Show
- Keychain multitool
- Lasercut Halftone
- LED ring light
- Living hinge
- Makerfaire
- Reverse engineering class
- Settlers of Catan
- Spaceshuttles
- STS 133
- XY Table
Last update:
November 8, 2020