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Unicode barcodes

For some reason I decided to see if Code 39 barcodes were renderable with Unicode block drawing characters. The answer is yes. This should be scannable if it is all on a single line:

│ │█ █│││█ █ │█││█ │█ █││ │█ █││ │█ ││█│││█│ █ █│█ ││││█ █ ││ │█ █│

Source code:


This one doesn't seem to work, possibly due to spacing..

▌▙▚▚▘▙▌▚▚<br/> ▙▚▄▖▚▟▘▘▙<br/> █▄▝█▟▘▗▌▗<br/> ▙░▄▞▗▙▀▖▄<br/> ▌▄▞▄▌▄▛▌▄<br/> ▌▙▐▌█▙▝▌▙<br/> ▙▀▛▙▌▚█▚▚<br/> ▌▞▙▙░▀▟▄▙<br/> █▄▙▟▄▄▄▟▄<br/>

2015 Hacks

Last update: November 8, 2020